Vernal Equinox
This box originally appeared at the March 2012 Meet in Maplewood, MN on 25-MAR-12.

Terrain: Rocky dirt trail through woods.

Time/Distance: Depends on where you start, you may want to plan an hour.

Unscramble PEAKLIKE to discover two words indicating where you need to begin. 
State Park sticker required or daily fee ($7-$10).

"Vernal" denotes spring and equinox means "equal night."  Because the Sun is positioned above the equator during an equinox, day and night are about equal in length all over the world. 

People have recognized the vernal equinox for thousands of years. There is no shortage of rituals and traditions surrounding the coming of spring. Many early peoples celebrated for the basic reason that their food supplies would soon be restored. Many letterboxers celebrate because once again the weather is more conducive to enjoying their quirky hobby!

To find a symbol of this seasonal date you can take your choice of trails, but you need to get to an intersection where you see these four views:
Status updates are appreciated very much!  Wisconsin Hiker
Take 50 steps down the trail shown in View #4.  Look right to find what you seek.  Obviously the scene will be different if you come during other seasons!